The world Has Forgiven Poor Angelina Jolie


The world Has Forgiven Poor Angelina Jolie

In the past, Angelina Jolie was seen as a villain.

The world Has Forgiven Poor Angelina Jolie

At that time, a teenager was easily influenced and quick to adopt the ideas of others. When the first reports emerged claiming that Angelina had “stolen” Brad Pitt from his wife, Jennifer Aniston—a gentle and likable woman—the hatred for Angelina began to grow. She was mysterious, seductive, and had taken the man of America’s sweetheart.

Hollywood Influence and Media Narrative

Hollywood at the time captivated the public. Being a Friends fan, the obsession with pop culture grew stronger, and the story of “Angelina as the villain” became the main headline. Everything in magazines from People to New Idea affirmed this. The story was so compelling, and it was easy to believe in the complicated relationships of celebrities, as the tabloids fueled it all.

The world Has Forgiven Poor Angelina Jolie

As a child, this was understandable. However, there were also adults who joined in criticizing her, even relishing in her misfortunes.

From Romance to Family Happiness

As the relationship between Angelina and Brad evolved into a happy family, with beautiful children, their story took a backseat for a while. The couple, full of joy, became a symbol of happiness, and their children were adored by the public. But in 2016, when Angelina filed for divorce from Brad, the story flared up once more.

Divorce Drama and Public Criticism

When the divorce became public, those who hated Angelina came out in full force. The public and the media rallied behind Brad Pitt, who was seen as a “perfect man” who could do no wrong. Even though Brad admitted to struggling with substance abuse and alcohol and confessed he was not a great father, all attention turned to criticizing Angelina. She was blamed and accused of being the “homewrecker.”

Growing Up and Changing Perspectives

In the years following, as a person matured and became an entertainment journalist, the perspective on Angelina Jolie changed. A fan of her films, impressed by her humanitarian work with the United Nations, and, to be honest, really admiring her performance in Maleficent.

The world Has Forgiven Poor Angelina Jolie

Public Reactions and Dissenting Voices

When the couple divorced, people like Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston chose not to join in the public celebration. Justin openly stated that, from the perspective of a child of divorce, the only thing that could be said was, “it’s bad news for those kids,” and criticized the public’s tendency to indulge in such scandals. “People are craving trash, and that’s clearly sad,” Justin said at the time.

Despite their disapproval, the public continued to keep the “we hate Angelina” campaign alive. 

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